"Where fantasies become nightmares..."

Welcome to the carrd for the Desire webcomic! This series is brought to you by Antares — a sad Scottish teenager who has nothing better to do with her life than make silly characters and poor creative decisions.COMIC IS CURRENTLY:
Not started; come back later!
Click on the buttons below to jump right into the story, or learn more about the world first!Currently no upload schedule — let Antares know on any of her socials if you'd like to be added to an update pinglist!Since there is no option to save your spot, it is recommended you bookmark your page on your device in order to not lose your position.


WARNING!!This comic contains dark themes and is not for the faint of heart. When reading, expect to see content such as:- Medical malpractice
- Unethical experimentation
- Torture
- Blood and gore
- Character death
- Drug use
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Manipulation
- Isolation
- Imprisonment
- Trauma
- Discrimination
THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING; I do not want to be held responsible for triggering those who didn't listen. Such themes will be explored in-depth and some scenes may be graphic.Will you step foot into the Desire Laboratory?


If you're looking for information on the story and world, you've come to the right page! If you're wishing to see the characters, head to the cast page.Don't worry — this page will be completely spoiler free!STORY SUMMARYDesire takes place on the planet of Atune, where the brightly-coloured Asret species thrive. Osiris, an adviser working for the Asret king, is appointed to an unexpected secret mission — acting as a spy within the elusive Desire Labs in hopes of uncovering any sinister activities conducted within the facility.Thanks to his history in the scientific field, Osiris lands a job at the facility and fits in relatively well — only, he finds that this job would be much, much harder then he had initially anticipated.WORLDAs mentioned above, Desire takes place on the planet of Atune — it is a large, purple-coloured planet with deep blue seas and lavender skies. This world lacks magic, instead brimming with science and technology — their cities alight with billboards and bright lights.Asrets are the dominant species of Atune — resembling anthropomorphic Lizards with bright colours; their colouration being their pride and joy. The brighter coloured an Asret, the 'prettier' they are considered within society. Dark colours such as black, grey and brown — that and desaturated shades of other colours — are considered 'disgusting'.Vrale is considered Atune's 'capital' — though there are many other capital cities across the planet, Vrale is the largest; also being home to the royal family's main castle. Atune is ruled over by a monarchy — the current ruler being that of a king.Desire Labs is where the story takes place — a huge underground laboratory that is heavily fortified. Nobody exactly knows what it is, where it is, or how it even came into existence; very little is known to those who do not work within.


This page is about the characters that star in this comic! If you're looking for information on the story/world itself, go onto the story information page!Not every character has been put onto this page yet — please be patient! There are some images to be made, too.This page is spoiler free.

OSIRIS CORBYNThe protagonist of the Desire series, Osiris Corbyn is a male Asret who worked as an adviser for the Asret king — being sent into Desire Labs as a spy due to his scientific background. He is very shy, anti-social and anxious, but very loyal to his peers and will do anything for them. He enjoys sweets — particularly ice cream.

DR. KEIRThe head scientist and founder of Desire Labs, Dr. Keir is considered a mystery amongst the scientists working at the laboratory. A friendly fellow who seems off as soon as you meet him, he always seems to make a strangely good impression — that is, until you learn of his 'strictly work' attitude. He's hiding a lot of secrets, and Osiris is determined to crack them.

IDA HARTSHORNA scientist who works within Desire Labs, Ida works on observing the experiments rather than actually partaking in them. An awkward but friendly soul, she tries her best at every interaction despite her poor mental state — wishing to make new friends in their dangerous environment. Works the best she can at any task given to her.

CALISTE ELRODA scientist working within Desire Labs, she partakes within experiments at times — though is mainly there for assistance. Rather ditzy and tends to get confused often, having gained a form of amnesia after an incident in the lab. Occasionally does observations paired with Ida.

THE ASRET KINGThe ruler of Atune and all of the Asrets, he is a regal figure and Osiris's role model. An angelic looking figure (told by most), he has been on the throne for many decades now — somehow still appearing youthful despite his older age. Calm and collected, he knows what's best for his kingdom — desperate to know Desire Lab's secrets.

You can't access this part of the facility!

Oops. Looks like you've stumbled too far.This page will be updated in due time — promise! Check back later; this page will have content soon enough.In the meantime, why don't you look around the site a bit more? There's a few other pages if you haven't read them already!